Fifty-five examples of good practices were collected during the project. These can be searched by theme, sector or by country below.

2010 Multi-sectoral Guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work
In 2010, the European social partners in public and private services adopted Multi-Sectoral Guidelines on Tackling Third-Party Violence and Harassment at Work in response to growing levels of third-party violence. These were social partners for health care (EPSU and HOSPEEM), education (ETUCE and EFEE), local and regional government (EPSU and CEMR-Employers), commerce (UNI-Europa and Eurocommerce) and private security (UNI-EUROPA and CoESS). The Guidelines were adopted in 2018 by central government administrations social partners, EPSU-led TUNED and EUPAE. The Guidelines set out the practical steps that can be taken by employers, workers and their representatives /trade unions to reduce, prevent and mitigate problems. The steps reflect the best practices developed in the different sectors and they can be complemented by more specific and/or additional measures. The Guidelines call on the social partners to address TPVH through a multi-faceted approach covering prevention, risk assessment, complaints measures, partnerships with the public authorities, and support for victims/survivors. Employers are encouraged to establish a “clear policy framework for the prevention and management” of these phenomena, and with the involvement of the social partners policies should aim to have “a holistic approach, covering all aspects from awareness-raising about prevention and training to methods of reporting, support for victims and evaluation and ongoing improvement.” As the Guidelines are not legally binding, it is left to the national members of the EU sectoral social partners to implement them in their respective countries.